6 Simple Ways to Keep Your Kids Healthy at Home

6 Simple Ways to Keep Your Kids Healthy at Home

For Child Health Day we wanted to check in with all of our families to see how you are doing these days. Our kids are spending much more time at home due to the global pandemic and as you can imagine, health is the number one concern we all have right now as we continue to work to stay safe. We want to help make healthy living as easy as possible for your children so take a few moments to check out these 6 simple ways to help keep your kids feeling healthy and positive while spending more time at home. 

1 | Limiting Screen Time is Essential

As a person with a surly toddler at home, I find myself often tempted to turn on Frozen just to get two hours of peace but I want to encourage everyone with little (or big) roommates at home to resist the siren call of spending hours on devices. Overexposure to blue light from devices is not only bad for eye health but it can lead to significant disruptions to focus, sleep cycles and healthy emotional function. The internet can be a lot for our young ones right now. Turn off the phones. Shut off the TV. Dust off a board game and spend some quality time together.

2 | Check In With Each Other

Young people are currently faced with concepts and challenges that are unprecedented. Taking the time to check in with your kids about how they are feeling can open the door to reassuring them while also having helpful conversations about the pandemic. It’s okay to acknowledge that things are not normal and that you are all here to support each other. We’re in this together. And don’t be afraid to share your thoughts and concerns with your family. The more we talk, the better off we are.  

3 | Let Kids Be Active Participants

Young people are meant to be active and engaged so that they develop a sense of fulfillment. In fact, the more engaged a young person is in their own decisions and activities, the happier they tend to be. Let your kids choose the next recipe for dinner. Allow children to pick out their own veggies at the store. By making young people active in their own health choices, you will be surprised by how empowered they will feel to continue making more healthy choices.

4 | Make Healthy Education Fun!

In college, I spent more time sleeping during my Nutrition class than I did listening. Why? Because the info was not being presented in a way that I could engage with at all. Want your child to learn how to live healthier? The SlimGenics Youth Weight Loss Program is centered on making healthy living concepts easy to understand while also empowering young people to have fun being active and cooking healthy meals. Healthy doesn’t have to be hard. In fact, we make it really simple. If you would like to learn more, our Slim Support Team is here to help!

5 | Variety is the Spice of Life

I can’t tell who gets bored first, the toddler or me. Mixing activities up every day can help keep your family engaged and feeling great. Why not try rollerblading together? Let’s go for a bike ride! Perhaps a family basketball game? If you or the kids are bored, then make a list of things you’ve always wanted to try and get to crossing things off.

6 | Implement More Fruits, Vegetables and Healthy Grains

As a family, sit down together to talk about the importance of fruit and vegetables. The more vitamins and nutrients that can come from these foods, the better. In fact, diets rich in fruit, vegetables and healthy grains allow for more healthy energy so your young ones can get out there to have fun!

Health Eating Tip:
Teach yourself and your young ones to examine nutritional labels when at the store. By paying active attention to what foods are composed of, it allows for better decision making when it comes to choosing healthy options. Not sure how to read a nutrition label? Our Slim Support Team can teach you and the family how!

What are your favorite tips and tricks to help keep your kids healthy and happy while spending more time at home? Let us know!

In Good Health,
Gabrielle @ SlimGenics


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